650 West State Street, 3rd Floor
Boise, ID 83702
A person's legal name is the name that appears on their birth certificate, driver’s license, and other government-issued identification documents. Avoid nicknames and abbreviations. Any deviation from an individual’s recorded legal name may result in application delays, suspension, or even elimination.
A Social Security Number (SSN) is a nine-digit number assigned to U.S. citizens and some residents
to help the government track their lifetime earnings and the number of years they work.
It is also used to verify one’s identity in a wide variety of situations, including when
individuals open a bank account, buy a house, and apply for public financial aid.
This is the standard format of an SSN: XXX-XX-XXXX where each X represents a single digit from 0–9.
Make sure to enter a personal email address—not one provided by a school. Education IT networks often block automated messages and student accounts are (almost always) deactivated once that student graduates. The email entered here is required for every subsequent login. It is also the primary method of communication throughout the scholarship process.